Fast & Easy ITOM Implementation

Up & Running in Hours or Days

Install & Discover for Immediate Value

Auconet BICS is implemented in hours – not months. Network discovery and visualization start immediately and subsequent configuration is extremely rapid. Enterprise customers are consistently surprised by the speed of generating value from BICS.

A Complete Network View on Day One

Organizations often associate network management solutions with implementation times of months, months, and more months. During this time, in a typical company, 10% to 25% of the endpoints on the network remain undetected and therefore unmanaged. By eliminating blind spots, BICS removes security risks and potential costs, immediately.

Auconet BICS features:

  • ITOM Implementation – complete on day one
  • Initial discovery on the same day – of hundreds of thousands of ports and endpoints
  • Ongoing collection, correlation and consolidation of rich data on every device and endpoint, into a real-time CMDB, starting immediately

Complement Your Existing ITOM Tools, Today

After initial implementation you can integrate your other applications with BICS to leverage it as a unifying platform. BICS provides clear TCO advantages compared to alternatives. Its ROI profile is even more outstanding, due to its rapid time-to-value and – equally important – the numerous ways that BICS strengthens existing ITOM applications.

Request information or call +1 415 855-1000
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